Thursday, March 25, 2010

Put a kid in overalls...

and he goes all Tallahasee on ya!  Or is it Pennsylvania?  Oh boy.  

And Ethan, if you think growing up with parents who met working as a Hall Director and a Campus Police Officer gives you a chance at underage drinking in your house?  Oh buddy!  
Get ready for some seriously un-cool teenage years, son.

Ethan's thoughts on Obamacare?

"You mean before, if I got real sick, insurance companies could drop me because my treatments cost too much or reject me because of a 'pre-existing condition'?  And I'd get kicked off of Mommy and Daddy's insurance right when I graduate college, even when I'm in law school?"

 "But not anymore?! Thanks Obama!!"

Smart kid.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Seriously buzzed.

Others may get high off of smoking a joint or popping a pill, but I get seriously high when I find a good deal.  Especially those very hard to find promo codes coupled with a cash back kick back.  Oh sweet online shopping, you're so good to me.