Saturday, February 6, 2010

We made it through Snowmageddon!

fter about 20 inches of snow, it was time for this family to dig our way out.

The adventure began with bundling Ethan.  You can see how excited he was about wearing this many layers.  "A Christmas Story" anyone?

Ethan and Chris looked at the level of snow from inside our porch door.  

"Daddy, I'm glad both my parents aren't from Florida!  Your Pennsylvania experience is going to come in handy today!"

Ethan wasn't so sure about this whole winter thing as the snowflakes hit his face.

We wondered if it was too cold for our little tot...

...he thought about it...

... and decided "This is fun!"

This is Ethan acting as our little ruler.  He's standing in a section shoveled by his Daddy, that's the top of the snow meeting the back of his head!

There's a car under there!  The Floridian in the family never would have known to put the windshield wipers up before the storm.  

And our toasty home buried next to it.

Corinne (and Ethan strapped on) shoveled once for an obligatory photo op.

And Chris...

... plowed through the rest!

We went back inside to enjoy the rest of the weekend at home together.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's a White Wednesday!

Pushing the stroller to the metro this morning for the great DC Baby Exchange (when I'm getting to work in DC, and Chris is leaving work in the city, and we pass off the little man over a little family breakfast) was quite an adventure!  Several inches of snow blanketed our neighborhood and no one else was crazy enough to be outside, nevermind to shovel their walk.  Do they sell strollers with mini-snow plows on the front?  This Floridian isn't used to this!

Our home looked beautiful on the outside, but it would have been nicer to have been toasty on its inside!

Here's a view of the park in our backyard after the overnight snow.  And there's more to come, so says the groundhog anyhow.